Welcome Callum and Roger!

We are excited to announce that two new members joined the NuNano team this February - Callum Chisnall (left) our new Sales Coordinator and Roger Humm (right) our Non-executive Director.

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Callum Chisnall graduated in 2020 from the University of Bristol after studying an MSci in Chemistry. His final year project was the in the functional and electroactive materials chemistry group and my thesis title was ‘The Synthesis, Deposition, and Scribing of Polyaniline for Electronic Application’

Callum says he is “excited to start working for NuNano after finishing his academia placement in Prague IOCB and industry placement in Pilkingtons NSG. Turning complex theoretical ideas from chemistry into tangible products in the science and tech industry is of particular interest to me”.

We are also welcoming Roger Humm who is is a chartered accountant and experienced director with extensive knowledge of high-growth technology companies both in the public and private markets.  Roger chairs the investment committee of the University of Bristol Enterprise Funds and is a trustee director and investment subcommittee member of the Oxford Instruments plc pension scheme.

It’s great to have new faces here at NuNano for 2021!

As always, our new sales coordinator is happy to help with your AFM probe queries. Get in touch by phone or email info@nunano.com.

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Hello, World!